Royal Antwerp FC Archive Website


Antwerp F.C. Victoria Rotterdam
3 2
18.04.1892 Plaats: Plaine des Manoeuvres

Scheidsrechter: J.M. Dartois


Mooie 3-2 zege op Paasmaandag
Ontmoetingen tussen Belgische en Nederlandse voetballers zouden voortaan op regelmatige basis plaatsvinden. Zo was het fameuze “Plaine des Manœuvres” op 18 april 1892 het toneel voor een merkwaardige wedstrijd tegen een tienkoppige Rotterdamse selectie. Met de hulp van een sterke westenwind en als resultaat van een mooie passeerbeweging tussen Price en de gebroeders Jacobs, tekende Davis na een kwartier het eerste doelpunt aan. De tweede Antwerpse treffer kwam er twee minuten later, toen Albert Wilkinson kon scoren uit een combinatie Davis-Buffham-Wilkinson. In de aanloop naar dit doelpunt raakte Davis buiten strijd door een wonde aan zijn rechterkaak, opgelopen na een “nasty kick in the eye” (sic). Met tien tegen tien roken de Nederlanders weer volop hun kans. Het spel verliep zo evenwichtig dat de bal gedurende het volgende halfuur niet meer uit het middenveld wegraakte. Na een zeldzame uitbraak kon Wilkinson, één minuut voor rust, toch opnieuw aantekenen. Scheidsrechter Dartois liet de wedstrijd na amper vijf minuten pauze hervatten, waarna de Rotterdammers de stand konden terugbrengen tot 3-2, tevens het eindresultaat. Na een gezellig etentje in restaurant “Flora” werden de bezoekers naar het station gebracht en op de tonen van het nationale volkslied uitgewuifd.

"The far-gone-by glories of the Antwerp F.B. club met with a splendid revival on Easter Monday when the match against Rotterdam resulted in the latter's defeat. The struggle was hard, particularly on account of the strong Westerly wind which invariably swept the ball to the side-edge of the field, but the vigour and skill displayed by both teams fully justify the high praise to which the captains are entitled for the masterly show of their men. The success of Antwerp is still magnified by the fact that the club they had to contend with had won all the League Matches, but one, in which they were called upon to play this season.
The first two goals scored in succession by the local eleven were remarkable instances of fine, swift play, more especially the second, gained as it was within less than two minutes after the first. The tussle which ensued may be best conceived by the fact that until almost half-time neither side had managed to drive the ball further than the centre of the field, when Antwerp at last disengaged it and rapidly scored a third goal. At this juncture the game was marred by the accident that occurred to Davis, whose unfortunate stumble caused him to receive a heavy kick across the right cheek which necessitated his being walked off the field. On starting , the visitors had only mistered nine men as against the home eleven, but a tenth player having subsequently joined in, this accident made sides equal throughout the remainder of the match.
During the second half, -when, it was observed, the greatest exertions were made on the part of both teams.- Rotterdam scored two goals, the first one particularly proving to be an admirable achievement of dexterity and swiftness combined, shot as it was by the outside wing. J. Kan from the touch line. During a rapid run down the field. The Highest tribute must needs be paid to this player for his excellent, tactical notions displayed on several occasions.
The ground was in splendid condition, but there were exceptionally few spectators owing probably to the impossibility of advertising the match beforehand, Rotterdam having waited until the last moment to send in their adhesion, and probably also to the weather having token quite an unpleasant turn during the morning, rain and sleet being then its prominent features. Luckily it underwent a bright change early in the afternoon, Sol maintaining his cheerful, welcome appearance throughout the game, which began at 4 o'clock sharp, Buffham kicking off ; -after an excited contest, Davis shot a goal trough at 4.15, as the result of a fine passing between Price, the brothers Jacobs and himself;- the next one gained at 4.17 being the outcome of the combination of Davis, Buffham and Wilkinson, the last named scoring; and up to 4.44 when Wilkinson again scored remarkably good display was exhibited by both teams. On changing sides, the mach being resumed at 4.50, the struggle became harder, Antwerp succeeding on several occasions to assail their opponent's goal without however scoring. Rotterdam secured a goal at 5.03 an another at 5.07, and up to the finish whistle, nothing further was gained by either side, when the game terminated in the victory of Antwerp by three goals to two.
A super-party subsequently found both victors and vanquished at the Flora restaurant, in the course of which, after the captains and referee's health had been drunk, Mr. Price gave the Rotterdam team, Mr. Lanschot (captain) responding; Mr. Buffham (captain) the success of Holland players , Mr. J.G. Vaes responding, each toast and reply meeting with loud applause.
The National anthem and cheers were the expression of the heartly farewell conveyed from the station platform to the departing visitors, bringing to a successful end a most pleasant day's sport."
(Dirk Willocx - bron: The Belgian News & Continental Advertiser - 06/07/2016)


Antwerp F.C. Victoria Rotterdam


Wolf Menzel
Claude Rivaz
Martin Price
Henry Buffham (K)
Edward Hermann
Charlie Chapman
Albert Wilkinson
Horace Jacobs
David John Davies
Gordon Allan
Cecil Jacobs
van Lanschot Hubrecht (K)
Bicker Caarten
J. Stok
Cees van Hasselt
Johannes Kan
W. Bakker
J. Bakker


Begin Match
15' David John Davies 1-0      
17' Albert Wilkinson 2-0      
44' Albert Wilkinson 3-0      
Ruststand 3-0
      Johannes Kan 3-1 58'
      ??? 3-2 62'
90' Eindstand 3-2 90'